The Spiritual Equine Connection Society curriculums program emphasizes an objectively driven curriculum of facilitating life skills through positively reinforced interaction with horses. The horses jobs are speaking to the clients through their bodies to help bring about the changes that the clients need to make. Exercises are developed to encourage self-confidence through validated, hands-on experiences. Equine Assisted Learning through the Equine Connection is NOT equine therapy. We do not require a clinical professional with us to do these exercises and programs. Equine Assisted Learning works, because the teachers are the horses!
Horses are ideal teachers for helping people build strong skills. Once a person is taught the basics of working properly with a horse, he or she can become the leader the horse seeks. When the horse feels safe, cooperation is a hundred fold and the person can easily get the horse to do what is asked of it. Bringing that piece back to their lives as everything is a parallel to how to work with people and themselves in their own lives.
That the more senses that are engaged, the greater the likelihood that new learning will be retained. The more we involve learners, the more senses are engaged, thereby increasing the probability that they will learn, retain, and apply what they have learned.
Each of our experiential learning exercises is custom designed to maximize learning potential and focus on developing individual skills as they work through each fun interactive group challenge.
Teams will work to: develop relationships; accept responsibility and accountability; overcome barriers to find change; be encouraged to be creative and innovative; find opportunity in working together; realize the benefits associated with the effective communication; and recognize the value of mutual trust, respect, and personal integrity. All while having a blast!

Safety is essential to learning and working with horses in a controlled environment can bring a feeling of security to your clients. Horses will never judge, they will always forgive and they will always listen to the clients true spirit.
provides insight into group dynamics;
enhances problem-solving skills;
appreciation of other team members;
promotes patience while considering the needs and views of others;
empowers individuals to build confidence & self-esteem;
challenges participants in a nonjudgmental way;
develops personal work ethics, responsibility & appropriate assertiveness;
appreciation for differences and diversity;
develops abilities to be smart risk-takers and fair-minded team players;
improves decision-making skills;
provides opportunities to immediately practice new skills.